Making a Work-Friendly Workspace

Working from home isn’t always as easy as it sounds. It can be easy to get distracted or keep structured work hours. We’re work from home pros, so we thought we’d share a few tips on how to make your home workspace work better for you.


Keep it clean

Think about what you really need to get work done, and then get rid of everything else. An organized space goes a long way toward helping you save time.

Minimize distractions

Turn your phone on do not disturb mode and face away from the TV. Use an app like Freedom to schedule productivity blocks and prevent you from scrolling through your social feed. The better your focus is, the faster you can get work done.

Consider the ambiance

You want your workspace to be a place you want to be. Have natural light if you can, but a good lamp if you can’t. Keep your favorite candle close, as well as a plant or two.

Have snacks

Did you know it takes an average of 25 minutes to refocus after a distraction? That means that if the hunger hits, your trip to the kitchen could cost you some serious productivity! If you keep snacks on hand, you’ll minimize lost time.


How To: Photos Meant for Social


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