Facebook Ads: The Ad

Once you’ve decided what your objective is and who you want to target, it is time to create the actual post that Facebook users will see. This is the place where you can get as creative as you want with the caption and post. 


Before you get started designing the ad, make sure you are aware that Facebook has a 20 percent rule. Facebook advertisers are not allowed to have more than 20 percent of the image covered in text. If your ad has too much text on the image, your ad will either be denied, not run for the full budget amount, or not be adequately delivered to the audience targeted. To check your ad before publishing, use the image text check from Facebook. 

Just like with the objectives and targeting, there are multiple options to utilize. The types of ads that are most common are:

  • Photo: Photo ads offer a clean, simple format to feature engaging imagery and copy. Convey who you are and what you do through high-quality images or illustrations.

  • Video: Tell your story with sight, sound and motion. Video ads come in a range of lengths and styles—from short, feed-based ads you watch on the go, to longer videos you watch on the couch.

  • Carousel: Carousel ads let you showcase up to ten images or videos in a single ad, each with its own link. Highlight different products or tell a brand story that develops across each card. 

  • Slideshow: Slideshow ads are video-like ads made of motion, sound and text. These lightweight clips help you tell your story beautifully across devices and connection speeds.

  • Collection: Collection ads let people discover, browse and buy what you offer. People can tap an ad to learn more about a specific product, all within a fast-loading experience.

If you are just starting out in social media and want to have a beautiful and unique ad, we recommend creating a free account with canva.com. Canva is packed with free templates for all things social and beyond. 

Once you have uploaded the image(s), video(s), or slideshow, keep the user’s attention with eye-catching copy. It’s better to keep your copy short, as users are likely to read no more than two sentences when scrolling. You can also add emojis into your copy to set your post apart, but do not go overboard. 

After you have the perfect caption, you can drive people to your website with a call to action like; Book Now, Shop Now, Learn More, and more! 

We love social media advertising and are here to help you wherever we can. If you have questions or need assistance—let’s chat!


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Facebook Ads: Audiences and Targeting