iPhone Photography Tips

One of the biggest social media myths is that you need fancy camera equipment to take great photos. In truth, all you need is your iPhone! But how do you take a photo that’s double-tap-worthy? We’ve got some tips!



Natural light is always best! Take a photo of your subject, whether it’s a person or product, near a window or outdoors. Direct light can be too harsh, so look for soft, indirect light. Make sure your subject isn’t backlit—that causes the subject to look shadowy, and details will disappear.


Tap and hold on the camera screen to make exposure adjustments appear. Drag your finger up or down to make the photo appear brighter or darker.


Use burst mode if your subject is in motion. This will take multiple photos in quick succession, so you have a lot of images to choose from. It makes it easy to find the perfect shot. To use burst mode, hold down the camera button rather than tapping it.


Tap and hold where you want the camera to focus. AE/AF Lock Alert will appear at the top of the screen, which lets you know the subject area is locked in. To remove the lock, tap elsewhere on the frame.


Turn on the grid to help you line up your shot. Use the rule of thirds to place your subject in the frame, and use the grid’s intersections to frame the image.


If you have a newer phone, portrait mode can create sharp, clean images. When you focus on a subject, your iPhone will automatically blur the background.

Start with these tips, and your photos will look elevated in no time! Don’t have the time to manage it all yourself? Let’s talk!


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