Flodesk Review

When you’re starting a newsletter, there’s lots of platform options to choose from. Mailchimp dominates the market, and Squarespace provides easy integration with your website. After digging through all the different platforms, we decided to go with Flodesk, and we’re so glad we did. Here’s why we love it:


It’s user-friendly.

Even if you’ve never built a newsletter before, Flodesk makes the process easy. The drag and drop feature is intuitive, and from start to finish the entire process can be done in less than 30 minutes. Once the newsletter is done, the reporting and analytics are just as simple to navigate and understand!

It’s beautiful.

You don’t have to be a designer to make a beautiful newsletter. Incredible fonts, rich colors, and stunning design templates make it easy to build a professional-looking newsletter without any complicated coding. No graphic designers needed!

It’s cost effective.

Flodesk offers flat-rate pricing. There’s no jumping up or down based on the size of your email list. That means you can focus on growing your list without worrying about your costs rising! That’s super important for a small business. 

If you know you need a newsletter, but you don’t have the time, get in touch! We’d love to help you reach your audience. Sign up for our newsletter here!


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