5 Great Apps for Instagram

There’s a difference between good social media marketing and great social media marketing. To really serve your brand, you can’t just take a picture and post it—there’s a lot of care and thought that goes on behind the scenes. Here are a few of our favorite apps that will level up your Insta.



Unfold led the way for story-editing apps. Not only do they help make your photos the right size for stories, they also provide fun templates, colors, and fonts. They are also always updating their library of templates. Once you create them, you can organize your stories in albums, which makes things easy for a busy business owner! 


If you aren’t a graphic designer, but you need graphic posts, Canva is a must-have. There are thousands of templates in an array of styles, and each one is infinitely customizable. You can upload your brand colors and fonts, drag and drop your photos, and have a professional looking post done in no time!

Lightroom Mobile

Adobe’s mobile Lightroom app offers a shocking level of editing. You no longer have to pull our your laptop to make your images look topnotch. Plus, there are lots of amazing one-touch mobile presets that do the hard work for you. We list some of our fav places to find free presets here!


PREQUEL has a huge library of filters and edits that you can use on photos and videos. You can use their in-app camera, or upload images and videos you’ve already taken. The editing is easy, and every filter has a slider so you can adjust the level applied. From film camera frames to 70s tinted colors, this app has everything you need to get creative!


If you need to caption your videos, or if you love fun text overlays, Vont is the app for you! There are lots of fonts to choose from, and the editing goes beyond color—you can bend, shift, outline, and edit the opacity of the text too! 

If it still seems overwhelming—we get it! There’s not time to do everything when you run a business. We can take social media off your plate. Get in touch!


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