How to Use Hashtags

Hashtags aren’t as universally effective as they used to be. Popular hashtags are oversaturated, often with millions of posts, and your content gets buried quickly—but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use them. You just need to start using them strategically! Here’s how:

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Be Location Specific

Instead of using #bakery, try adding your city or state. #nashvillebakery has fewer posts under the tag, so people are more likely to be able to find you—and, since they are looking for that location, they’re more likely to be people that will actually spend money at your business!

Be Niche

Think about who you serve and why they are interested in your product or services. For example, #millennialrealtor and #findyourstarterhome may be more likely to attract young families than #realtor or #homesearch.

Be Branded

If you share interesting, serial content on your feed, sometimes you may want your own hashtag. Use the same hashtag (like #wellnesswithmary) on each post that fits the theme, and when users search it they will be able to see all your posts on that topic.

Be Tasteful

You can use up to 30 hashtags in a post, but too many hashtags can look tacky. We recommend using them in the first comment instead of in the caption. If you use hashtags in a story, make the text the same color as the background, or shrink it and hide it behind a gif. That way they remain effective, but discrete. 

Use these methods, and your hashtags will start working for you in no time! Still think you need help? Get in touch!


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