5 Daily Tasks for Instagram

If you want your social media to be an active part of growing your brand or business, you can’t just post and forget it—you have to put in the work! Here are five things you should be doing on Instagram every day:

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  1. Respond to all of your DMs: Don’t leave people waiting on a response from you! When you respond to all your messages within 24 hours, you build a positive reputation with your followers.

  2. Respond to all the comments on your posts: It’s important to show your followers that you are engaged with them. When they see you always respond to comments, they will be more likely to engage with you!

  3. Follow five new accounts: This is the IG equivalent of a cold call. It’s a great way to find new fans who may not have heard of you otherwise!

  4. React to 10 Instagram Stories: When you respond to your followers’ stories, you show them that you value them. Something as simple as a heart emoji could make their day!

  5. Search hashtags in your niche: Interact with at least five of the most recent posts. Hashtags help you get specific, and you are more likely to to find people interested in your content if you’re using the same hashtags!

If this sounds helpful, but it might be too much work for you to take on, reach out to us! We have social media packages that include community management, like responding to DMs, so you can focus on running your business.


How to Use Hashtags


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