Behind the Scenes

When we first started our business, we realized that there was a lot we didn’t know. We had a do-it-all-ourselves mindset, and because of that we had a hard time zeroing in on our goals as a business. We finally realized that we could be doing better, so we enlisted the help of our friend and business coach, Jena Viviano


One of the main things that Jena coached us on was focusing on what we do best, and not trying to do the rest. For us, that meant offloading duties like accounting! By focusing on the parts of our business we knew well, and shifting other responsibilities off our our plate, we were actually able to build a better business.

Jena does the same thing with her coaching business. She knows her strengths as a coach, and outsources the rest. One of the things that she outsources is Facebook Advertising, and the people she hired to manage it is our team at Gradient! Our job was to help Jena promote a Masterclass on How To Become An Irresistible Hire. Thanks to our work, her cost per result decreased from $4.89 to just $1.00! 

If you’re interested in learning more about the behind-the-scenes of Jena’s business, you can listen to the episode (and hear a shoutout to Gradient) here!


Adding Value On Instagram


Should You Outsource Social Media?