5 Social Media Copywriting Tips

When it comes to social media, the most important thing is consistency—but the next most important thing is making sure your captions convert. Writing copy seems easy, but there are lots of important details that go into a strong caption. Here are a few tips that will help your copy shine!

Keep your voice consistent

Your brand voice will make your business stand out and make sure it's recognizable to your audience. It needs to be cohesive across platforms, and it needs to align with the preferences of your target audience.

Stay focused

It can be easy to meander in a long caption, or to try to tie your brand into cultural conversations or events. You won’t always fit in and that’s ok! Don’t force it—stay focused on your brand and what is true to you.

Consider readability

Depending on your target audience, you may want to reconsider the verbiage you’re using in your captions. People read at different levels, and they associate different types of words with different types of businesses. Don’t overcomplicate things.

Avoid lengthy captions

Most people are scrolling through Instagram on breaks during work or between classes. They don’t have the time to stop and read an essay. When they see a wall of text, they immediately scroll on. Keep your captions short and to the point.

Use calls-to-action

Give the reader an action to complete—”tag a friend,” “read our blog,” or “click the link in my bio.” Defining an action increases the likelihood that the reader will take that action! It’s a great way to keep your followers engaged.

Even when you know how to write good copy, you don’t always have the time to do it. If you’re struggling to make room in your schedule for social media, get in touch! We’d love to help.


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