How To Write A Subject Line

Be honest—how many emails do you delete before you even open them? When you’re sending out a newsletter, you have just a few seconds to grab your reader’s attention. That means your subject line has to be really compelling! So how do you write a subject line that makes people click? We’ve got tips!


Ask a question.

A question piques people’s interest. They won’t want to leave a question unanswered, so they’ll feel compelled to open your email! Just make sure that you actually answer the question within your newsletter. You don’t want your reader to feel like you tricked them!

EX: Have you seen THIS?

Spill the details.

When you make it clear what’s inside, readers will want to open your newsletter—especially if it speaks to their needs. There’s no guesses and no games. They know exactly what is inside, and they know they want it!

EX: 5 Best Lightroom Filters *inside*

Say their name.

Trust and familiarity go a long way. People love to feel like you’re speaking to them and not a general audience, and simply using their name gives the email a personal touch. Using their name will also make your email stand out in a long list of subject lines.

EX: <NAME>, we have a hot tip for you!

Use emojis.

Emojis are the best way to stand out in a wall of black and white text. Not only do they add a pop of fun and color, they can also provide more context to what’s inside your email. Studies have shown that emojis make people more likely to click!

EX: Our favorite #WFH lunches 😋

Use these tips, and your open rates will skyrocket! Don’t have the time to deal with it all? We’re newsletter pros. Get in touch!


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