Why Your Digital Marketing Isn't Working

So you’ve been investing your time, money, and energy into digital marketing, but it isn’t panning out. But why? Here are a few common problems:


Your expectations are too high. 

It takes an average of 7 website visits before someone makes a purchase—that means you can’t expect a ton of sales to come from your first ad...or your second! In fact, you may never be able to trace some sales back to your digital ads, even if they were the reason a customer discovered your site! Digital marketing is a tool to build relationships, and sales will come from there!

Your campaigns are inconsistent. 

Tone and messaging should be consistent across everything you do. If your ads look and sound different than your organic content, potential customers won’t know if they can trust you! Your content doesn’t need to be the same all across different platforms, but it should all be in line with your branding. 

Your content is low quality. 

You want to make sure you’re standing out in a good way. Don’t use photos or videos that are blurry or have bad lighting. Make sure there isn’t a lot of text or too many font types. You don’t necessarily need professional photography—iPhones can produce great content—it just needs to look professional!

You’re trying to do it all yourself. 

Lack of industry expertise can keep your campaign from performing well. Keeping up-to-date with the latest changes and trends in social media is a full time job—one that you probably don’t have time for. If you know that’s the case, you might be better off getting expert help for your ads. The ROI can be huge!

If you’re thinking about running digital ads, let’s chat!


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