Time Saving Instagram Hacks

Business owners already feel like there’s not enough hours in the day. Social media often gets pushed to the bottom of the list—but that’s a mistake! Social media is an important part of your marketing strategy, and these tips can make it easier to fit Instagram activity into your day.


Create Hashtag Shortcuts

Hashtag shortcuts can save you a lot of brain power and typing time. Create 4-5 bundles of hashtags related to your business, then make a shortcut for them on your iPhone. You do this by going into Settings > General > Keyboard and then scrolling down to Shortcuts. Click on 'Add New Shortcut.' Here, you can add your series of hashtags, and then under 'Shortcut,' you add the word you will use as the signal to repopulate. For example, on your Instagram post your could type “Group 1” and it would make all your hashtags show up!

Set Up FAQ

Go into your Instagram settings to set up Frequently Asked Questions. This is a feature that allows you to add common questions you receive to DM chats. Users will be able to select the question they were wanting to ask, and a pre-saved message will reply with the answer. This helps you spend less time in your DMs!

Use Social Media Templates

It’s great to mix graphic posts in with images on your feed to keep things fresh, but it can be time consuming to design a graphic from scratch. Use an app like Canva to design 5-10 templates that fit your branding. Then you can just drag and drop images and change text to create a beautiful graphic in minutes! (If you don’t want to design your own custom graphics, we can do it for you! Let’s chat!) 

Use Quick Replies in DMs

If you find yourself typing the same few phrases over and over, add them to your Quick Replies in your DMs. This allows you to send a long message with one click instead of typing it out over and over. When you spend less time typing, you’ll have more time to engage with more users! This is very helpful for cultivating an engaged audience.

Do Engagement on Desktop

For some of us, our phones have become an extension of our right hand. Even so, it’s still quicker to type on a computer than on a phone. When you’re responding to comments and DMs, you can do it much faster if you do it on desktop! Use your phone if you’re on the go, but if you’re in the office desktop engagement is a serious timesaver.

Still don’t have time to do it all? We got you. Let’s chat!


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