Help Your Website Convert

Your website isn’t there just to look pretty. If it isn’t helping drive your business, you may need to make some changes! Here are three things you can do to make sure your website is helping you convert sales.


Make sure you have clear navigation

Is your website busy? Is the font legible? Are links and buttons easy to find? If not, potential clients will have trouble finding the information they need! Keep things simple and add clear calls-to-action to help funnel them where they need to go. You don’t want to miss out on an opportunity because your website was difficult to navigate!

Include email sign-ups

If someone visits your website, and they haven’t decided whether or not to make a purchase yet, adding them to your email list is the easiest way to forge a connection and make sure you stay on the top of their mind. Don’t just have a sign-up page on your website—add a pop-up too, just to make it even easier to hook potential customers.

Keep your sales page simple

Your products and services page is key to converting sales. Don’t overload visitors with needless information. Stick to the facts they need to know, and include a few good photos. Last step—make sure the “purchase” button is easy to find on the page!

Once you make these updates, you should be able to watch your website performance improve. Track your analytics to see where your visitors are coming from and which pages they are most interested in. If it’s been a month and you don’t see improvement, try tweaking your calls-to-action! Sound like too much work? We’ve got you covered. Let’s chat!


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